Greetings from NYSSRA! As we enter the beginning of winter here in the East want to take a few minutes to review the past few months and a look into the future for this season.
The past fall has been one of the busiest at NYSSRA starting off with our Junior Equipment Membership Zoom sponsored by Mud Sweat’n Gears, Miguel Azcarate (our U14 season sponsor) and Sports Page, Gary Higley (our U16+ season sponsor). Next up our joint partnership with USSS East to produce an educational coaches clinic in Lake Placid, at the Olympic and ParaOlympic Training Center, along with a pod cast from the Innovation Hub on Main street in Lake placid, generously donated by Northwood School in Lake Placid. This event covered a wide array of topics that were extremely beneficial to coaches in attendance. This was one of the first in-person clinics at this level since Covid. The event was well attended and received great reviews from all in attendance.
This fall NYSSRA offered Monday Movement Analysis (MA Mondays). For five consecutive Mondays we delved into areas of balance and assessment from our Coaches Education Committee along with a few presentations from US Ski Team Coaches Shaun Goodwin and Nate Bryant. These were very well received. We will build on these educational Zooms moving forward. Special thanks to Aaron Dewey, Jeff Walker, John Morgan, Kathy Okoniewski, and Chuck Harris our Coaches Education Committee presenters.
Fall Fundamental Projects were held at Whiteface and Gore, November 30-December 3. All these projects focused on tons of mileage with a hearty dose of balance and foundational skills to help athletes get their feet back under them. U14 and U12’s were based at Gore with the U16+ project based at Whiteface.
The U16+ group experienced lodging at the Olympic and ParaOylmpic Training Center (OTC) and were on snow at Whiteface. This, along with the facility at the OTC, some ice skating at the Olympic Oval, and a stroll on Main Street in The Village of Lake Placid, rounded out a great experience for this group.
The U14 group stayed at a rustic ski lodge nestled in the mountains of North Hudson, Garnet Hill Lodge. U14’s were on snow at Gore during the day with tons of mileage. Specific skill progressions had this group achieving solid results in the three days on snow. Evening activities centered one night on skill progression and video presentations and one night of an NGT (NYSSRA Got Talent) show. All in all, a home run for this group.
U12’s were split into East/West with the East at Gore and the West at Holiday Valley. These projects provided a great way for these young athletes the start the season. Much like the other fundamental projects, mileage was key along with balance with skill development progressions.
Right on par with eastern early season projects, snow was great but sections of interesting weather were experienced by all. This did not dampen (except for some clothing) the spirit of coaches and athletes in the least. We want to thank these coaches for providing a great experience for all athletes.
U12 Fundamental Projects
Leslie Hall
Amy Brown
Don Keenan
Mat Majka
Terry Murray
Bill Pammer
U14 Fundamental project
Ed Gudlauski (World Cup Ed)
Nicole Cosgrove
Martin Biedermann (Mustang Marty)
U16+ Fundamental Project
Aaron Dewey
David Temes
Caitlin Croft
Tyler Travis
Andy Minier
Special thanks to NYSEF staff John Norton, Mike Gilbert, and Mike Mezzetti, for helping out
with transportation!
The NYSSRA Officials Committee did a great job offering clinics, exams, and updates through the fall. Offered on a few dates to accommodate schedules, these events turned in good numbers across the state. There is a great amount of background work to make these opportunities available and we want to give a shout out to Krista Jackson, committee chair Steve Burgart, as well as all the committee members that presented and proctored exams! Thank you!
And special thank you to Alicia Farone NYSSRA Administrative Director for setting up dates and Zooms, and tracking participants for credit. It takes a village.
Looking into the future, stay tuned for NYSSRA evening projects across the state, dates to be up on the website within the next two weeks. NYSSRA will also provide a U16 SG project at Gore. This will be combined with a project based coaches speed educational opportunity. These dates and criteria will be out shortly.
I look forward to seeing all of you at races, club visits, and all projects through the season.
Wishing all a great Holiday and a fantastic New Year!
Leave you with these two thoughts:
-It’s not your aptitude but your attitude that gains you altitude in life.
-Champions don’t show up to get everything they want; they show up to give everything they have.
Stephen Mergenthaler (Mergs)
NYSSRA Alpine Sport Director