NYSSRA Board/Committee Vacancies**
If you are interested in serving or wish to nominate someone to serve on our board or a committee please email interest to [email protected]. *Please submit a brief bio and statement of interest in your email*
Candidates must be current NYSSRA and USSS members in good standing. See NYSSRA Bylaws on our website under the 'about us' tab (nyssra.org) for more information on terms and board structure.
At our annual meeting (May 4th) we will be voting to fill the following vacancies on the NYSSRA Board of Directors:
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Athlete Rep (1)
Also, there are 2 seats opening on the Development Committee and 2 seats opening on the Children’s Committee.
The criteria/requirement to serve on a sub-committee is listed in the links below.
Children’s sub-committee
Development sub-committee
**Board and committee nominations will close April 30th (Tuesday) at noon