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Dear Sport Leaders and Coaches:


After three years of virtual meetings through the COVID pandemic, it was great to have so many people together in-person at the annual U.S. Ski & Snowboard Congress.  Those in attendance heard meaningful reporting from staff, coaches, and volunteers from around the country, and there was much discussion about the state of our sport and key issues to address as we move forward for the 2023-24 season.  For anyone looking for a recap, meeting minutes and reports have been posted online on the FTP site.  A summary of action items that were passed by the Alpine Sport Committee are attached to this email.


We would love your feedback on how Congress went and what we can do to make it better. The link below has some quick questions if you can respond.  Please forward this email to your committee members and sub-committee chairs for their responses and for them to forward to their members.  The more feedback the better!


In addition to governance meetings, Congress featured the annual U.S. Ski & Snowboard Service to Sport Awards ceremony, where many athletes, coaches, officials, and volunteers were honored for their involvement in our sport.  A heartfelt congratulations go out to the following recipients from the Alpine community:


Diamond Award

Julius Blegen Award: Spencer Eccles


Gold Awards

U.S. Ski & Snowboard Club of the Year: Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club

U.S. Ski & Snowboard Development Coach of the Year: Ben Brown

Beck International Award: Mikaela Shiffrin

West Family Award: Roger Root


Silver Awards

Paul Bacon Award: NYSEF

John J. Clair Jr. Award: Jamie Kimball & UT Olympic Sports Park

Russell Wilder Award: Jamie Kimball & UT Olympic Sports Park

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Award: Share Winter Foundation


Athlete of the Year Awards

Alpine Athlete of the Year: Mikaela Shiffrin


Coach of the Year Awards

Alpine International Coach of the Year: Shaun Goodwin and Foreste Peterson

Alpine Domestic Coach of the Year: Ben Brown


Club of the Year Awards

Alpine Club of the Year: Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club

Development Club of the Year: GMVS Ski Club